Hey gryffinp! We are looking into it!
Hey gryffinp! We are looking into it!
Please check your keybindings, resetting to default should fix this issue.
FenrisHowls account sharing is against the Terms of Use Agreement!
1 hour ago, lexandritte said:Incursions had different drop pool from Bounties, including some weird stuff like Eidolon Lens Conversions and the three rare mods that only drop from Plains Commanders. Will those rewards be moved elsewhere?
Target Acquired already drops from a certain Grineer meatheads, the other mods will be re-purposed later.
1 hour ago, xRufus7x said:Please don't forget to remove incursions from the riven challenges.
The Incursion Riven challenge has been removed and exiting Riven will get a new random challenge.
10 minutes ago, --Q--Cumber said:When will K-drive not showing as mastered even when you have gained all the xp from the 3 be fixed?
This issue will be fixed in the upcoming mainline.
Hey Tenno! We are looking into this issue.
Hey Tenno! There seems to be some confusion about the Nightwave ranks. You start at rank 0 and need 10000 standing per rank, if you rank up your standing is resets to 0/10000.
Lets say you complete a couple of challenges for a total of 12000 standing, you will be rank 1 with 2000/10000 points.
For the issue OP and Gal_Fyr are describing standing is rewarded when you complete a mission, were those screenshot taken in mission? Otherwise it might be some delay but re-logging should always fix this issue.
Hey KeszegWasTaken! We are investigating this issue!
Hey Tenno! We are looking into this issue!
Hey Teigstrudel! Does the crash result in a crash handler. If yes could you please post the WAR-Number.
Rare or Reinforced Storage Containers have a chance to drop these items.
What is the WAR-Number of the crash?
Mods are scaling of base health (health at rank 0), which would be 550 in Inaros case. Health gained from leveling is not affected by multipliers.
Total Health = Base Health × (1 + Modifier) + Health Gain From Leveling
Hey fingolfin1325! The Forum report function is for moderation purposes only. Please contact Costumer Support and create a ticket for further assistance.
Hey Casardis! The mine is a placeholder and was not supposed to release yet, we will fix this asap.
Hey Tenno! This issue will be fixed in the next Hotfix.
Hey Tenno! We already fixed a couple of cases which would break the datamass from spawning, we will keep investigating!
Hey Tenno! We are looking into this issues. We do not have a timeline on the fix but we are investigating.
The item in the screenshot is a very early placeholder for a Fortuna item. The correct item will show up once the Switch will receive the Fortuna update!
Hey Tenno. We are looking into it! Bounties should be showing up again.